OUR KRS: 0000324209


A 1% donation is a voluntary donation of part of your tax to a public benefit organization. Every taxpayer can help us by choosing the “W Trosce o Życie” Foundation as the beneficiary of this donation.

Who can donate 1%?

  1. All those who pay personal income tax, regardless of how they settle their accounts with the tax authorities.
  2. Persons who are taxed on a lump sum of registered income.
  3. Retirees, provided they complete the PIT themselves.

How to donate 1% tax to our Foundation?


Tax Return

Fill out the appropriate section in the annual tax return (PIT-28, PIT-36, PIT-36L, PIT-37 or PIT-38).

Name of organization

In the return, we provide the name of the organization and its registration number in the National Court Register.

Donating 1%

The IRS, within three months, will transfer 1% of the tax you paid to our account.


Note: The taxpayer cannot divide this donation among several organizations.



What more can be done?


An individual, that is, any private donor, may also make a financial or in-kind donation. Donation amounts are deductible from the tax base, but they cannot account for more than 6% of the income of the individual filing the return in a tax year (this is regulated by Article 26(1)(9) of the Personal Income Tax Act of July 26, 1991).


The prerequisite for applying the donation deduction is proper documentation: in the case of a cash donation, the relevant document is proof of payment (in the tax year being accounted for) to a bank account, and in other cases, a document showing the value of the donation and a statement by the recipient of the donation that the donation was accepted.

Legal entities

Persons engaged in business activities may also donate to the fulfillment of statutory purposes. Legal entities may make donations, the total amount of which may not exceed 10% of income deductions. The rules for the deduction are similar to those for donations made by individuals (regulated by Article 18(1)(1) of the Corporate Income Tax Act).